“The most Valuable Time you can ever Spend.”


Soul Session Consultation

During a Soul Session you will come together with Jewel to work through anything on your heart and mind. Whether it’s business, personal, health, love, or purpose related Jewel uses a combination of your charts and her own energetic gifts to give you the insight, wisdom, and healing your soul needs.

Jewel always works from a soul perspective providing both spiritual and practical support and insights.

The single session is an initial consult and deep dive to reveal how you can be best supported moving forward.

Soul Session Consultation

60-75 min 255 Euros


Jewel’s mentorship is for those who are committed to their evolution, vibration, and expanding their consciousness. Over the period of 6 months we use a variety of tools, techniques, and methods to deepen your awareness, transform your energy, and expand what’s possible in your life. Jewel will support you with her own healing wisdom, energetic gifts, and space holding for you to become your most loving, sparkly, empowered, connected version of yourself.

These sessions help you SEE different so you can live different. It will support you in healing illness, growing/ starting a business, managing your energy, raising your vibration, and understanding the energetics and cycles of life.

You will have monthly sessions with Jewel, outside rituals, and continued outside support through messaging and voice chat during your time together.

Energetic Mentorship | 4500 excl. for 5 months.

“You are a special soul and incredible energetic healer using cosmic powers and love.”

-Sophie van der Schaft, CEO.

“I cherish my sessions with Jewel. Over time, it’s been amazing to see the themes in our work together come to fruition in my  life, and having her support to navigate that has been invaluable. Jewel is a total fairy and light on this planet and she brings magic and joy to everything she touches. Sessions will her leave me feeling clear, inspired and ready to navigate the world as my highest self.”

-Graciela Rasor, Entrepreneur .

“Working with Jewel was one of the most transformative, expansive, supportive, and validating experiences I’ve ever had.”

-Alissa Boyer, Entrepreneur and Creator.