The Catalyst

A 6 month journey of elevation, growth, and rewiring

This journey is a sacred space, support, and guidance for your next steps in life. Whether that’s starting your own business, calling in love, expanding your current situation, going to the next level, calling in a new job, or beginning a new chapter.

Over the years the most common feedback I’ve gotten from clients is how our time together has coincided with a dramatic shift in their career, personal life, or birth of something new in their life.

It’s not uncommon for clients to tell me they’ve received their first client (for example: Kiko makeup!!) in their new private venture. Or they’ve channeled a new program, podcast, or retreat that has caused beautiful shifts in their life path, businesses, and personal lives.

“The most Valuable Time you can ever Spend.”


We are in very intense and accelerated times. The energy shifts fast. We’re experiencing a totally different kind of energy that calls for different practices and outlooks.

We work with the energy behind what is happening which often means it’s an untangling or rearranging of different parts. We may o may not focus on the main theme

Small shifts overtime create massive impact.

I use a combination of my own intuitive gifts, with modalities including human design, somatic work, energy healing, dreamwork, meditation, astrology, and a toolbox of other tools to support you in your unique process. Because your process is always going to be special and unique to you.

My intention is alway to help you connect with your truest essence and intuition, while supporting your mind, body, and spirit in the process.

What’s Included in the 6 months:

  • 6 sessions

    These sessions are not time sensitive meaning we give you however long it takes. Could be 1 hour, could be 1.5 hours, or even 2 hours. Depending on what’s needed. one session is a session with your human design + Astrology Chart.

  • Outside “homework,” practices, or Rituals

  • Meditation Portal

  • Outside messaging Weds- Sun


2x payments of 2722 incl. or pif 5400 incl.